written by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj and sung by Bhaktini Pooja from Balaramdesh.
On 2012 HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj instructed Bhaktini Pooja to sing and upload the song to the web so the whole world can hear it. This is a humble effort from her.
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(yadi) prabhupāda nā haita tabe ki haita
(e) jivana bahita kise?
nitāi-gaurera apāra karuṇa
ke dita sakala deśe ||
If Srila Prabhupada had not come, what would have happened? How could we have passed our lives? Who else would have distributed the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga all over the world?
pāścātyera yata pāpi durācārī
śūnyavādī māyāvādī |
tādera uddāra karibāre mana
hena kon dayānidhi ||
Which other compassionate person would have endeavored to deliver the miscreants , sinful, impersonalistic and voidistic people in the West?
tādera nikaṭe kon janā āsi
bilāita harinām |
sabhya jīva rūpe gaḍite tādera
ke haita āguyān ||
Who else would have come to distribute Harinama to them? Who else would have come forward to transform them into civilized beings?
deśe deśe hari-vigraha sevā
āratī rātri-dine |
ratha yātrādi mahotsava saba
śikāita kon jane ||
Who else would have taught them how to worship the Deity form of Lord Hari day and night with arati-kirtana, and how to conduct the Ratha-yatra and other grand festivals?
gītā-bhāgavata caitanya carita
premāmṛta rasasāra |
kata nā sundara sarala kariyā
ke bujhāita āra ||
Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta contain the essence of the nectarean mellows of love of Godhead. Who else would have explained these scriptures so clearly and beautifully?
kata kaṣṭa sahi prīta mane rahi
ke vā dita harinām |
ke dita modera purī vṛndāvana
māyāpura mata dhām ||
Who else would have tolerated all difficulties, and distributed Harinama with a pleasant heart? Who would have given us the dhamas such as Mayapur, Vrindavan and Jagannatha Puri?
parama maṅgala śrīcaitanya mahā-
prabhura śikṣā dhana |
ācāre pracāre sadā āmādere
ke karita niyojana ||
The teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu constitute the greatest and most auspicious treasure. Who else would have engaged us in constantly practicing and preaching it?
premakalpataru nitāi-gaurera
kṛpā kaṇa labhibāre |
niravadhi jaya- patākā hṛdaya
tomare śaraṇa kare ||
Sri Sri Nitai Gaura are desire trees of love of Godhead. Desiring a drop of Their mercy, Jayapataka's heart incessantly takes shelter of Your Divine grace.
On 2012 HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj instructed Bhaktini Pooja to sing and upload the song to the web so the whole world can hear it. This is a humble effort from her.
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(yadi) prabhupāda nā haita tabe ki haita
(e) jivana bahita kise?
nitāi-gaurera apāra karuṇa
ke dita sakala deśe ||
If Srila Prabhupada had not come, what would have happened? How could we have passed our lives? Who else would have distributed the unlimited mercy of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga all over the world?
pāścātyera yata pāpi durācārī
śūnyavādī māyāvādī |
tādera uddāra karibāre mana
hena kon dayānidhi ||
Which other compassionate person would have endeavored to deliver the miscreants , sinful, impersonalistic and voidistic people in the West?
tādera nikaṭe kon janā āsi
bilāita harinām |
sabhya jīva rūpe gaḍite tādera
ke haita āguyān ||
Who else would have come to distribute Harinama to them? Who else would have come forward to transform them into civilized beings?
deśe deśe hari-vigraha sevā
āratī rātri-dine |
ratha yātrādi mahotsava saba
śikāita kon jane ||
Who else would have taught them how to worship the Deity form of Lord Hari day and night with arati-kirtana, and how to conduct the Ratha-yatra and other grand festivals?
gītā-bhāgavata caitanya carita
premāmṛta rasasāra |
kata nā sundara sarala kariyā
ke bujhāita āra ||
Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta contain the essence of the nectarean mellows of love of Godhead. Who else would have explained these scriptures so clearly and beautifully?
kata kaṣṭa sahi prīta mane rahi
ke vā dita harinām |
ke dita modera purī vṛndāvana
māyāpura mata dhām ||
Who else would have tolerated all difficulties, and distributed Harinama with a pleasant heart? Who would have given us the dhamas such as Mayapur, Vrindavan and Jagannatha Puri?
parama maṅgala śrīcaitanya mahā-
prabhura śikṣā dhana |
ācāre pracāre sadā āmādere
ke karita niyojana ||
The teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu constitute the greatest and most auspicious treasure. Who else would have engaged us in constantly practicing and preaching it?
premakalpataru nitāi-gaurera
kṛpā kaṇa labhibāre |
niravadhi jaya- patākā hṛdaya
tomare śaraṇa kare ||
Sri Sri Nitai Gaura are desire trees of love of Godhead. Desiring a drop of Their mercy, Jayapataka's heart incessantly takes shelter of Your Divine grace.
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